
3 Ingredient Snack Recipe with Beaten Rice

Quick Beaten Rice Snack Recipe 

Hello everyone,

Today I am going to share a 3 ingredient recipe which you can have as a snack. You can prepare it in under 10 mins. This is one of the olden times snack south Indians usually have with their tea, either in the morning or in the evening. South Indians are known for their love towards rice and the main ingredient of this recipe is the flattened rice or rice flakes or beaten rice, either way, you call it.

Ingredients for Beaten Rice Snack Recipe

Beaten Rice:- 1 1/2 Cups ( There are two varieties available in the market. The brownish one and the one in plain white. Brownish variant is more healthy compared to the white but it is thicker than the white)

Coconut Shavings/Shredded Coconut - 4 -5 Tbsps

Sugar/ Grated Jaggery/Powdered Jaggery - To taste

Method of Preparation:
Step 1: Take a deep bowl and add in the beaten rice.

(There's no need to wash the beaten rice as they would just immediately soak down if you do)

Step 2: Add the coconut shavings and sugar/jaggery to taste. Give a gentle mix and serve.

- You can add chopped nuts and chopped bananas into it if you prefer. That would bring in more flavours to your dish.

- Frying this preparation, in a tablespoon or two of clarified Butter or ghee will be more delicious to have. Just saute everything for 3-4 mins and you are good to go.

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Quick Semolina Indian Breakfast Recipe - Upma

Hello everyone,

For all the people who are having a tough time juggling with their job or class and their health, we have planned to start a new series sharing quick stomach filling breakfast recipes. Breakfast is one of the most skipped meals in our generation. We often blame it our tough schedule and we forget that it is only our health that struggles to keep up a standard.

Upma is a very popular South Indian Breakfast dish (also had a snack at times) which is made using fine Semolina or Rava. Semolina can be easily found in an Indian supermarket in the section of flours.

Here is the recipe of this popular 10 Min Breakfast Recipe.

Semolina- 1/2 cup
Water - as needed
Salt - to taste
Green chillies - 1 small finely chopped
Onion - 1 small finely chopped
Curry leaves- 1 Sprig
Mustard Seeds - 1/2 tsp
Ghee/Butter/Oil- 2 tsp

Preparation Method
Step 1: Take a heavy-bottomed pan and keep it on the stove. Pour some oil or ghee or both and let it heat well. Add the mustard seeds and let it splutter. Now add the chopped veggies and saute it well until the onions are translucent.

Step 2: Add the Semolina/Rava and mix well. Add some water (roughly double amount of Semolina) and add enough salt. Mix well.

Step 3: Cover the pan and stir once in a while. The upma is ready when the Semolina is all cooked into a mass and there is no more water left in the pan.

Garnish with curry leaves (optional) and serve.


1) For more calories, always use ghee for cooking upma.

2) You will need more or less double the quantity of water with that of Semolina.

3) The water should be salty when you are tasting the soup as soon as you pour water in the pan. Otherwise, the upma won't have enough salt in it and you won't be able to add it later.

4) You may also use veggies like carrots into up and thus make it more colourful and delicious. Simply add some finely chopped carrots (to make the cooking process easier).

Upma is a very filling breakfast and if you are going to like the taste of it, there is no looking back. The ultimate taste of this dish is the ghee added and the softness attached with it. The Semolina has to be cooked really well and it will be just as soft as cotton when it is all cooked. 

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How To Drink More Water On a Single Day

How to drink more water on a single day

Hello everyone
in this post, I am going to share some tips on how to drink more water every single day. It is really difficult to get yourself to drink enough water on a single day and this one trick will help you to stay consistent with the habit of drinking water.

I hope this post will help you with reaching the goal of drinking 2 litres of water every day.

If you are like most of the others who have a tough time reminding yourself to drink more water then this is all that you need in life.

How to have more water with no Reminders and gadgets around!

I have seen on the internet, using the water bottle with the time and quantity mentioned over it will help you drink more water. Sadly, that doesn't work for me.  And here is what I came up with instead.

It is nothing fancy or new in trend.

It is a technique of sipping the water every now and then.

Fortunately, for me, this is the only method that has turned out to be a success. All you need to do is carry around a bottle of drinking water. And also, make sure it is placed somewhere that you don't miss to have an eye on it.

The first few times, you might have to compel yourself to have the water. But then, your body gets used to it and that quench for a 'sip' comes in naturally making it really easy for us to have more and more water in a very single day.

So the next time you are leaving your home/working at home make sure to have a bottle full of water right in front of you!

Stay connected with us for more useful tips and recipes.



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Does Ashwagandha Helps you Gain Weight?

This time, I have came up with the results from the popular ayurvedic herb  Ashwagandha. It is one of the mostly searched ayurvedic product for weight gain and there are many vloggers and influencers who had great words to share about it. And then, I knew I had to try it for sure. I thought of getting the Ashwagandha capsules at first and I was about to buy them but then I changed my mind and decide to get it from a local store where they deal with ayurvedic plants and related products. The reason why i did that is because I felt, this will give me a better version of Ashwagandha at the best price. Thankfully, it did. 

It was my mom who bought me this pack of Ashwagandha powder from the store. When she reached home, she said that she has taken it a long time before for some of its benefits which she doesn't remember now. Since the powdered form was not available then, she had to get it , clarify it in a 2 way process for 3 times. The process of clarifying was actually surprising for me. she had to put it in the boiling milk for some time, then it was to be dried completely in the sunlight. This product was to be repeated for 3 times or so. 

When i had a look at this package, it said that the Ashwagandha has been clarified in cow's milk as per ayurveda.

How I took Ashwagandha:-
I use 2 teaspoons of Ashwagandha powder to a glass of milk (200ml). I used sugar on and off. 

My experience with Ashwagandha for weight gain:-

 The powder seems to be just like Horlicks. The first day I took it, it even smelled like Horlicks for me. It is so bitter in taste. I took 2 teaspoons of the ashwagandha powder in a glass of milk. The packaging of this bottle asks to cook ashwagandha in the hot milk for sometime. I tried it both ways in this course of 7 days. Cooking it for 2 minutes in the milk makes it easy to drink. Because in the other case, the powder settles in the bottom and does not get completely dissolved. 

For the first two days, I stirred in a teaspoon of ghee as well. But then I took it with milk alone (since my lips are sensitive to oily things and develops cystic acne) 

On the 7th day, I couldn't take the Ashwagandha milk because we had to use the milk for some other purpose. 

In a course of 6 days, I gained 0.5 kgs by the end of it. You can see that I have reached 52 kilograms somewhere in the middle, which came out to be quite shocking to me. I weighed myself around 5 times just make sure my eyes are true! 

Side-effects of Ashwagandha on me:

I never thought this could give me any sort of side effects. But it did. I had a bloated stomach for the initial 3 days. It was very difficult to handle this time it was sometimes painful as well. I have NEVER had an issue like this before, so I give all the credits to Ashwagandha :P

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Does Eggs Help you Gain Weight?

Hello everyone, 
Today I'm going to tell you if eggs works for weight gain or not. Many of you might be knowing from Instagram that I was on weight gain challenge for 7 days, taking 3 eggs daily. And today is officially the eighth day and here I'm with the results. 

Eggs journal
Tuesday 51 Kgs
Wednesday 51 Kgs
Thursday 51.5 Kgs
Friday 51 Kgs
Sat 51 Kgs
Sunday 52 Kgs
Mond 51.5 Kgs

Eggs are a popular ingredient chosen for weight gain as they are rich in protein. I have been taking 3 whole eggs in either the form of an omlette, or scrambled eggs or boiled all these 7 days. 

If you've also took part in the challenge after reading my challenge post on Instagram and Facebook, do tell us in the comments how it worked. 

My starting weight was 51 kgs. I was 51.5 after taking ashwagandha for a week just the day before starting this journey. But lost it and my starting weight for this journey was back to the 51 kilograms Mark. In between of both my Ashwagandha challenge and this challenge, you can see me hitting the 52 kilograms Mark. I honestly don't know what's happening with that the next day.

The Ashwagandha challenge journal made more sense to me, but this one is so puzzling. 

Anyways, when I weighed myself yesterday I was 51.5 and I should end with it. Eating 3 eggs on a go felt a bit heavy task for me in a few days of the challenge. Because I'm much used to eating 2 eggs but not 3 eggs. 

As any of my other 7 day challenges, I took the eggs in addition to my regular diet/ those things I eat on a typical day. 

Side effects for me.
Since I have sinusitis issue, I found it difficult for the phlegm developed. And for this peculiar reason, I was waiting for this challenge to get over quickly. 

Last word: 
If you're a healthy person, who doesn't suffer from a medical condition which can get worse with the consumption of eggs - you can have eggs daily in your routine. A healthy person can take upto 3 whole eggs in a normal case. If you're more on a budget side, bring down the number to 2 or 1 each day, and try to stick with it for quite sometime and you'll surely see the results.

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Protein-Rich Sprouted Green Grams Salad for Weight Gain

Hello everyone,

In this post, I am going to tell you how you can prepare a very simple and delicious sprouted green grams salad recipe.

Sprouted green grams are very much nutritious. Though it has very fewer calories it is very much rich in protein content. That's why I prefer including it in my diet.

This is a very simple recipe and this can be prepared in two different ways.

The first method is the most appropriate one to have a salad. But who doesn't like a change?  So, I go for the second method when I feel bored with the first one.

Without any further delay, let us get into the recipe.


Onion: 1 small chopped
Tomato: 1 small chopped
Green chillies: 1 long one
Lemon juice: To taste
Pepper Powder: To taste
Salt: To taste
Oil: 1 Tbsp

I also added a bit of Garam Masala (a mix of Indian spice varieties to bring out more flavours) If you like it you can use it as well otherwise give that a skip.

Method of preparation:

Step 1: Prepare the green gram sprouts.

I washed the green grams and then soaked them for 8 hours. After that, I moved it to a sieve and drained the excess water. Moving it to a colander I then sprinkled some water now and then for a couple of times in the next 8 hours. Don't leave the colander open. I covered its mouth with a plate. After about 8-12 hours, the sprouts are done.

Make sure to move the green grams when you are sprinkling water into it.

Step 2:  Add the sprouted green grams to a bowl. Add the finely chopped veggies, spices oil and salt. Give a nice mix. Serve.

This is the first method.

The second method

This method is something I came across on a YouTube video of a street vendor who is selling sprouted salads in North India.

He added a couple of other Indian spice powders like chaat masala, amchoor etc to bring in more flavours to his dish. Since I do not have them, I gave it a skip.

We use a hot pan and add some oil into it. When the oil is hot, add the prepared salad and let it cook for 2-3 minutes. This makes the salad a bit soggy as they are getting cooked and the veggies would ooze out the water content in them.

For a nice crunchy salad, stick with the first method itself.

I hope you liked the green grams salad recipe. Also, check out my chickpea salad for weight gain as well.

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Healthy Snacks to Put on Weight

Hello everyone

In this post, we are going to see some healthy snacks to put on weight efficiently. I am recovering back from the depression stage slowly but once in a while, the anxiety attacks shot a go. But I'm thankful that my mental health is getting better. I never truly realised the need to have a great mental peace until I truly messed it up, though for the first time.

Okay, coming back to the post. Let us see some really great healthy snacks to put on weight. We usually think that healthy snacks are not tasty but actually, it's not true. Healthy snacks can be made tasty to your taste buds and you can use them to gain extra weight.

Snacks list to increase weight

1. Peanuts/Almonds/Cashewnuts/Walnuts

100 grams of Peanuts has 567 calories.100 grams of almonds has 576 calories. And 100 grams of Cashewnuts has 553 calories. 100 grams of walnuts has 654 calories! Choose these nuts over pecans which have low-calorie value.

2. Dried fruits like dates, raisins, prunes, and apricots.
100 grams of dates has 282 calories.100 grams of raisins has 299 calories. 100 grams of prunes has 240 calories.100 grams of apricots has 241 calories and 100 grams of figs has calories. Unlike figs, these dried fruits have high-calorie value and thus, choose these dried fruits over the others.

3. Baked/Fried Potato Chips or French fries.

100 grams of homemade potato chips has 189 calories. 100 grams of French fries has 312 calories in it. Try to have the homemade version of both of these as you can be 100% sure that there are no harmful additives. Also,  potatoes are super rich in carbohydrates but simply looking at one nutritional value of a food item, you can say it's healthy. So eat them in moderation.

4. Rice/Milk Pudding
Prepare some rice pudding in milk or have a bowl of delicious milk pudding made with some milk, evaporated or condensed milk and some whipping cream or fresh cream. These are a great way to get a lot of calories in just a single spoon!

5. Cheesecakes with healthy ingredients.
Because why not cheesecakes? Cheesecakes are super rich in calories for the presence of ingredients like cream, condensed milk, milk and cream cheese. They make it a very calorie rich dish but make sure not to go overboard.

6.  Sago Dishes
Sago or tapioca pearls are a byproduct from tapioca. 100 grams of cooked sago has 38 kilocalories. Sago needs a bit of pre-cooking preparations of soaking but it tastes so delicious and is healthy in moderation.

7. Tuna fish dishes
Tuna fish is available in canned containers in the market. If you can't source these in fresh, you can get the canned version and they are truly handy as a core ingredient of a gravy or a sandwich meal. You can even try to make rice dishes or Omelette with them.

8. Roasted Chickpeas or Chickpeas salad.
100 grams of chickpea has 150 calories. Prepare delicious chickpeas salad at home or even make the roasted Chickpeas in your oven. They taste so delicious and can be a healthy snack while you work, watch TV or just chills around.

9. Lentil soup or Lentil pancakes or Lentil Patties/cutlets
100 grams of lentil has 116 calories. You can prepare delicious soup with lentils and also you can prepare lentil pancakes or Lentil cutlets at home.

10. Eggs
100 grams of boiled eggs has 115 calories. You can prepare omelettes, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, poached eggs, mix it with other ingredients. Try to have at least an egg daily in your diet regularly.

Healthy Snacks To Put On Weight
Image of weight gain shakes,
weight gain shakes,
Image of weight gain breakfast,
weight gain breakfast,
Image of cheese for weight gain,
cheese for weight gain,
how to gain weight naturally,
how to gain weight in a week,
weight gain foods list,
how to gain weight in 1 month,
food to gain weight for females,

So that was a list of snacks to put on weight. 

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Simple Caramelized Banana Recipe for Weight Gain

Simple Caramelized Banana Recipe for Weight Gain

Hello everyone,

I'm back with yet another simple and effective weight gain recipe. Have this banana recipe daily and gain weight effectively in no time.

Banana - 2 large
Ghee or Butter - 3 -4 tbsp
Sugar - to taste
Dessicated Coconut / Fresh Coconut Shavings - 3 tbsp
Chopped Nuts - 1/4 cup

Preparation method

Step 1: Peel the bananas and chop them into little chunk pieces to a bowl and keep it aside.
Step 2: Heat a sauce pan on medium to high flame on stove, add Butter or ghee to it and add the bananas. Roast them until they have browned.
Step 3: Add the sugar, coconut and the nuts. Mix well until everything is well combined.

Serve hot.

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Simple Caramelized Banana Recipe for Weight Gain

Hello everyone,

I'm back with yet another simple and effective weight gain recipe. Have this banana recipe daily and gain weight effectively in no time.

Banana - 2 large
Ghee or Butter - 3 -4 tbsp
Sugar - to taste
Chopped Nuts - 1/4 cup

Preparation method

Step 1: Peel the bananas and chop them into little chunk pieces to a bowl and keep it aside.
Step 2: Heat a sauce pan on medium to high flame on stove, add Butter or ghee to it and add the bananas. Roast them until they have browned.
Step 3: Add the sugar and the nuts. Mix well until everything is well combined.

Serve hot.

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Banana Scrambled Eggs Recipe for Weight Gain

Banana Scrambled Eggs Recipe for Weight Gain

Hello everyone,

I'm back with yet another simple and effective weight gain recipe. Have this banana scrambled eggs daily in your diet and gain weight effectively in less time.

Banana - 2 large
Ghee or Butter - 3 -4 tbsp
Sugar - to taste
Eggs- 2
Chopped Nuts - 1/4 cup

Preparation method

Step 1: Peel the bananas and chop them into little chunk pieces to a bowl and keep it aside.
Step 2: Heat a sauce pan on medium to high flame on stove, add Butter or ghee to it and add the bananas. Roast them until they have browned.
Step 3: Now, add the eggs into the pan and scramble it along with the bananas. Make sure to see that the egg is completely cooked.
Step 4: Add the sugar and the nuts. Mix well until everything is well combined.

Serve hot.

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Fast & Effective Weight Gain Drink Recipe!

Hello everyone,
Today I'm sharing an easy recipe which can help you gain weight fast. This is a calorie and protein rich milkshake which you can have regularly in your diet in order to gain weight.


Dates -4
Almonds -4
Banana - 1 large or 3 small
Sugar - 3 Tsp
Milk- 1 glass
Peanuts - 1/4 cup
Honey- 1 tbsp (Optional)
Any Energy drink powder - I used Milo - 2 tbsp
Ice cubes -5

Preparation method

Step 1: Take a blender jar, add some milk, dates, banana, and blend it to a smooth paste.
Step 2: Add the peanuts, almonds and ice cubes and blend again.
Step 3: Now add the Sugar, honey and the energy drink powder into it.
Step 4: Blend and serve immediately.

That is how simple it is to prepare. For best results, have them for a month continuously. Take a glass of this milkshake every day. Make sure to stock the ingredients in advance so that you don't run out of the ingredients and miss the schedule. It doesn't take a month to start seeing the results. With a week you will get to see the results on your weight. Make sure to note down your weight, before starting this drink so that you can know how much of progress you have made with the drink.

Important thing: Do not use this drink as a replacement to your regular meal of the day. In that case, it won't work. This drink should be consumed in addition to your daily regular meals, and only then it will work for you. It has worked for many skinny people to gain their healthy weight. So, do give it a try.

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Buttermilk recipe for weight gain

Buttermilk recipe for weight gain

Hello everyone
Today in going to share an easy recipe of buttermilk which can help you gain weight in a few days. This can also be included in your regular daily diet and it is also good for your overall health and well being apart from helping you to get and maintain a healthy weight.


Yogurt - 1/2 cup
Water - 1/2 cup
Greenchillies - 1 or 2
Ginger - a small piece

Preparation Method:

Step 1: Take a blender jar, add the yogurt and the water into it and blend it till yogurt is all smooth and frothy.

Step 2: Add the chillies and ginger to it. Blend it for a few seconds.

Step 3: Use a sieve to get a smooth buttermilk.

Step 4: Have it as it is or chill a bit before serving.

Buttermilk tastes delicious and it is also called as 'Chas' in Hindi. It is really refreshing to have this drink. If you are new to this recipe, please do try it and let me know how it tasted for you. It's spicy as well a little bit bitter from the yogurt. Overall, it is an energetic and freshening drink which is a staple in Indian homes during summers.

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Potato cheese Omlette for Weight Gain

Hello everyone,
 I always prepare it when I'm so so hungry, but I usually do not spare time for myself to click pictures. This time, I took some time to spend on video making and a photoshoot. Hence this post along with the recipe.

Eggs- 2 or 3
Pepper or paprika powder - as needed
Potato- 1 medium
Oil or butter- 2 tbsp

Preparation method:

Step 1: Wash and peel the potatoes. Grate them into a deep dish.
Step 2: Add 2 or 3 eggs into it, add cheese, salt, pepper and you can also use cilantro or parsley or even a pinch of oregano into it.
Step 3: Heat a pan, and add the oil or butter. When that's hot, pour the egg mixture into it and spread evenly.
Step 4: Keep on low flame and cover the pan and cook for 2-3 minutes. Flip over and cook for 2 minutes again.
Step 5: Serve hot with some tomato ketchup and a sprinkle of cheese.

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Quick Masala Oats Recipe

Hello all,
In this video I'm going to share the recipe of masala oats. It is a very easy to prepare sort of dish and if you have a food processor it is even more quick to make. So let us see how it is prepared.


Tomato 1 small
Onion 1 small finely chopped
Green chillies 1 small finely chopped
Coriander leaves - finely chopped
Oats 1 cup
Pepper Powder/Red chilli powder/paprika- 1/2 teaspoon
Garam masala - 1/2 tsp (optional)
Salt to taste
Water- 2 cups
Oil- 2 tbsp
Sugar - a pinch ( optional)

Method of preparation

Step : Keep a pan over the stove, and add the oil. Saute the onions and the chillies until they have become transparent. Add in the tomato and saute really well until they have turned mushy.

Add the spices, salt, sugar and mix well.

Add the oats and roast for a minute. Add the water, give it a stir and close the pan. Keep the flame on low-medium.

Stir occasionally.

When the oats get cooked, garnish with the coriander leaves and serve hot.

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Weight Gain Porridge for Adults with Ragi/Finger Millet Powder

Hello everyone,

In this post, I'm going to share my favourite tea- time Porridge with Finger Millet. The chocolate-y color of finger Millet is quite inviting. With a few variations to the ingredients, I tried to make a weight gain special ragi Millet Porridge recipe for adults.

Finger Millet is usually taken by people who are conscious of their health and weight issues. But it can be made as an additional serving (apart from the 3 regular meals) for those who struggles to gain weight. With regular use, you're going to get the results for sure.

Ingredients for Weight Gaining Finger Millet Recipe:

Ragi Powder - 4 tsp
Coconut Milk - 1/2 cup
Water - 1/2 cup
Sugar - 3-4 tsp
Roasted & Powdered Nuts - 2 tsp
(You can use cashews or peanuts here)


Step 1: Firstly, take the Ragi Millet powder and use 4 tsp of water to make a thick and smooth paste. This step is necessary to get a smooth and lump free Porridge.

 (Never mix the powder directly into lots of water. It won't dissolve)

 Keep the mixture aside.

Step 2: Mix 1/2 cup of water and the coconut milk in a saucepan. Let it become hot before you mix in the paste you have prepared in the previous step.

Step 3: Add the sugar as per your taste and continue to stir until it forms a nice glossy texture of Porridge.

That's it. Serve hot or cold as per your taste.


It can also make a filling breakfast by serving 2 sizes of the same recipe.

You can freely replace the water in the recipe using 1 cup of coconut milk itself.

Nutritional Facts (approximately) :

Protein: 17 Kcal
Fats: 245 Kcal
Carbohydrates: 138 Kcal

Do try it and let me know your feedback.

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