
Protein-Rich Sprouted Green Grams Salad for Weight Gain

Hello everyone,

In this post, I am going to tell you how you can prepare a very simple and delicious sprouted green grams salad recipe.

Sprouted green grams are very much nutritious. Though it has very fewer calories it is very much rich in protein content. That's why I prefer including it in my diet.

This is a very simple recipe and this can be prepared in two different ways.

The first method is the most appropriate one to have a salad. But who doesn't like a change?  So, I go for the second method when I feel bored with the first one.

Without any further delay, let us get into the recipe.


Onion: 1 small chopped
Tomato: 1 small chopped
Green chillies: 1 long one
Lemon juice: To taste
Pepper Powder: To taste
Salt: To taste
Oil: 1 Tbsp

I also added a bit of Garam Masala (a mix of Indian spice varieties to bring out more flavours) If you like it you can use it as well otherwise give that a skip.

Method of preparation:

Step 1: Prepare the green gram sprouts.

I washed the green grams and then soaked them for 8 hours. After that, I moved it to a sieve and drained the excess water. Moving it to a colander I then sprinkled some water now and then for a couple of times in the next 8 hours. Don't leave the colander open. I covered its mouth with a plate. After about 8-12 hours, the sprouts are done.

Make sure to move the green grams when you are sprinkling water into it.

Step 2:  Add the sprouted green grams to a bowl. Add the finely chopped veggies, spices oil and salt. Give a nice mix. Serve.

This is the first method.

The second method

This method is something I came across on a YouTube video of a street vendor who is selling sprouted salads in North India.

He added a couple of other Indian spice powders like chaat masala, amchoor etc to bring in more flavours to his dish. Since I do not have them, I gave it a skip.

We use a hot pan and add some oil into it. When the oil is hot, add the prepared salad and let it cook for 2-3 minutes. This makes the salad a bit soggy as they are getting cooked and the veggies would ooze out the water content in them.

For a nice crunchy salad, stick with the first method itself.

I hope you liked the green grams salad recipe. Also, check out my chickpea salad for weight gain as well.

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