In Product Reviews

British Biologicals B-Protin Nutritional Supplement Review

Protein powders are one of the easy ways available to gain or maintain a healthy weight. I too have tried out different protein powders after watching many luring advertisements. But this one was prescribed to me by my gynecologist after I said her that I feel fatigue all the time and I have to improve my health. She said that British Biologicals B-Protin Nutritional Supplement can help me but I should have it with milk daily. I was thankful that she wrote a protein powder for me so that I could possibly gain some weight now J Read on to know if it worked.

British Biologicals B-Protin Nutritional Supplement Review

Price: Rs.218 for 200 grams

Available in 3 different flavors: Mango, Pineapple, and Chocolate.

British Biologicals B-Protin Nutritional Supplement- 

Usage Directions:-

2 tablespoons(30g) twice daily in 1 cup of lukewarm milk or water.
1.       Take 1/3rd cup of lukewarm milk or water.
2.       Add 2 tablespoons of B-protin and stir briskly until dissolved.
3.       Add more milk or water to fill remaining volume of the cup or add according to your taste preference.
4.       Stir well. Once prepared consume immediately for better taste. Add sugar if desired.

Product Details:

Nutritional facts:
British Biologicals B-Protin Nutritional Supplement Ingredients contents

My experience with British Biologicals B-Protin Nutritional Supplement :

British Biological’s B protin is claimed as an ideal nutritional supplement. It also claims that it gives complete nutrition and tastes best. It comes in a glass bottle with a screwing plastic lid. It comes with no spoon or scoop (for accurate measurement). It tastes yummy when I have the powder alone (as it had sugar by itself). I take it as mentioned i.e., two level tablespoons of protin powder with some milk, dissolve and then add the rest of the milk. If we add all the milk/water at one go, it is not going to get completely dissolved. Though we can take it with either milk or water, I prefer taking it with milk (for at least once in a day). I have used a protin powder before in water, but got no results and all the money went waste.

I use this twice a day. I take it in the morning/immediately afternoon with milk. And then I take it with water before my sleep. I haven’t felt like it affects my normal sleep routine. If you can, then use milk itself twice a day. I have been religiously using this every day and I have successfully finished the bottle today. I used leveled tablespoons of this powder to make my drink. I have gained a kilogram more and for a 200g bottle the result feels fine to me. Energy wise, I haven’t felt much difference. It was all as normal as my any other day.

One important thing is that as the bottle is only of 200 grams, it can serve you for 6 or 7 servings (at maximum). That is one bottle lasts only for 3 days! (Though, I got to use it for more days because of the leveled tablespoons).

For everyone is reading this review, and planning to buy one – For the nutritional powders to work, it is important to take regular meals and have sufficient intake of calories( from food) already. So then the calories from your nutritional powder will provide you with additional calories and thus help you gain weight. If you are skipping meals and then taking this product, the calories from the drink will move to your daily calorie needs and you might not see visible results. For best results, I recommend you to use it twice in milk itself.

If you are finding difficulty to use it with milk, check out their official website where they share mousse, cake, and other recipes to try with this nutritional product!

Will I repurchase British Biologicals B-Protin Nutritional Supplement?

I might repurchase it in future, but as now I am trying to try out other brands. If you find the review useful do let me know in the comments. Also if you have a different opinion to share or share any suggestions for better utilization of this product, do leave your thoughts below.

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