In General Health Issues

Dexorange Hematinic Capsules - Uses & Review

Hey everyone,

I just bought this drug, and I can't believe the facts they have mentioned in the description label. Anemia is already such a popular illness specifically in the developing countries! You can read more about these facts here.

anemia remedy for anaemic

Of late I have discussed how to get over anemia using veggies and other natural medicines. Though these remedies work 100% effective, one has to be regular with it to see (and maintain) the results. Hence, I thought to review these Over The Counter tablets which are meant to treat anemia. As it is Ramadan and I can't spend much time to buy and cook, I thought to switch to these tablets for a month.

For the time being, this is going to be the first look or get to know the article, but by the end of this month, I am giving a detailed review on it. So make sure to check it out.

Price: ₹ 97 for 30 tablets.

First look:-
Just like how I mentioned in one of my previous article about anemia, I went to my nearby pharmacy + lab to have a blood checkup and get some tablets. I was planning to buy the C-pink tablets, but the lady there said me that it was not available and thus introduced me to this tablets.

Thankfully, this product is quite handy and easy to move with. As C-pink was in strips, it is quite difficult to store. But this one is quite a small bottle with 30 tablets in it. Plus, these tablets are soft gel capsules which makes it so much easy to swallow. No hassles in the middle of the way to stomach!

As of now, I am mildly anemic with a hemoglobin of 10.4 gm/ml.

Update: It did its JOB for me!

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