
Gain 1.5 kilograms in a Week with this 2 Ingredients MIRACLE Remedy!

How I gained 1.5 kilograms in a week with this 2 ingredients Miracle Remedy!

Hey everyone, 

Today I am going to share a miracle recipe for weight gain. It can get you a weight gain of at least 1.5 kilograms per week. For the past one week, I have been trying out this remedy and I am honestly so happy that I tried it out. 

weight gain fast quick remedy hack week

I have started trying this remedy exactly since the last Friday. I was waiting to weigh myself in the early morning today ( on an empty stomach) to share this remedy with you guys.

Miracle Remedy For Quick Weight Gain:-

Ghee/Clarified butter: 3 teaspoons
Sugar: 1.5 teaspoons ( Optional, but to ease your taste buds)

weight gain fast quick remedy hack week ingredients list

Just mix the two ingredients and have it in the evening or even after breakfast(if you prefer to have it in the morning). 

weight gain fast quick remedy hack week 2

My Experience:

The results were quick that I saw a change in my weight from the third day of my trial period. 

I have lost my weight from 50 kg to 46.6 kg as I was caught with fever for a few days. This remedy has helped me get back to my staple weight (:P) i.e, 48 kgs from 46.6 kgs in 3 days. 

I also noticed that it has helped me with my appetite as well. 

I highly suggest you use this remedy IN ADDITION to your current regular diet routine. 

If you're going to decrease your portion of meals and anticipate a gain in weight (with just this remedy) it will probably do NOT happen. Also, please do not increase the portion of ghee in this recipe because it might affect your health. The daily intake limit of ghee is 3 teaspoons and unless you are working out hard, please do not attempt in increasing the amount. 

So try this 2 ingredient weight gain miracle remedy for a week and do let me know in the comments how it worked for you. 

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  1. Hi Sana,
    Does refined sugar promote healthier weight gain? What else can I use instead of refined sugar?
    Thank You

    1. Hi Pravin, I truly appreciate your query. And I apologize for not mentioning it in the post itself.

      I have used sugar in the recipe, just to help myself with the plain taste of ghee. You can either skip it (if you can have ghee as such) or use just a little bit of powdered sugar, as powdered one easily blends into the mixture. If you are still concerned, then please try jaggery but DON'T go for honey here.

  2. You have a beautiful blog and amazing content dear.. Will definitely recommend it to my younger brother..


    1. Thank you so much for the encouragement, Zeba!

  3. I don't like eating something very sweet but I add ghee to my food everyday. This sounds unique though. I'll give a try sometime! Thanks for sharing, Sana :)

    1. Thank you Lancy. Even that helps. I have tried the same and got benefits. Do not surpass the recommended dosage of the day, though! (Especially since I remember you said you had sinusitis issues )

  4. I'll try this! Thanks for sharing! :D

    1. You're welcome, Snehal :) Do let me know, how it worked for you.

  5. Hello Sana Mam..
    I am a hard gainer.. Will it work for me???

  6. Hello Sana Mam..
    I am a hard gainer.. Will this sugar and ghee remedy work for me??

  7. Hey Prerna, yes it can work! It did work for ME - I am the same type you mentioned :)


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