In weight gain

How to Fake a Weight Gain in Just 3 Days!

Let me put it first! You won’t regret spending the time to read this post because I am drafting this right now after I have done it, got the results and loved it pretty much! This is a very simple exercise to fake a weight gain on your face. It is nothing costly or difficult! You can do it easily at the comforts of home, and if you are confident enough that no one is watching you, then probably at your office, school or anywhere else. All you need is just taking out 15 minutes from your day. I have been doing this exercise for the past week and I had to attend a wedding. People complimented me that I have gained!

How to fake a weight gain in just 3 days!

How does this fake weight gain actually works? 

This is an exercise. You can probably do it anywhere you want in either or both of the two ways. See yourselves which one is the most comfortable one for you and do it accordingly. Frankly speaking, I liked the second way. That way I do not feel like my face is heavy or painful. So no more words, heading straight away to the exercise.

It just creates an illusion that your face has gained a few pounds. It looks chubbier than before which makes you (and others) feel that you’ve gained weight.

What are the uses of this fake weight gain?

Well, if you are someone who is struggling to get a compliment of weight gain or at least you need a chubbier face, then this is for you.
How long do the results of this fake weight gain last? Once you start skipping the exercise, the results so far stay well for 2 or 3 days.

How do you fake a weight gain?

As I already mentioned in this post, there are two ways to do this.

First Way – The Air Balloon Exercise!
All you need to do is just close your lips and fill your mouth with air. You must ensure that the amount of air you take is the MAXIMUM you can hold. Just tap the top portion of your mouth with your tongue so that you can fill in the airtightly. Your skin over the cheeks would completely get stretched this way. Hold it for about 30-45 seconds and get back to the normal position. Breathe in and out for next few seconds and continue doing the same for about 10-15 minutes.

Second Way- The Water Balloon Exercise!
This is something worth a try especially if you are someone who spends so much of time in your bathroom for a shower! All you need to do is fill in your mouth with as much as water possible that you can hold (Yes, ensure that it is the maximum) for a few seconds. Spit the water out and do it again for 10-15 minutes.

If you have a function or meet up ahead, do try this exercise and let me know the results in the comments :)

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