In General Health Issues

Himalaya Evecare Syrup Review!

How My Menstrual Cramps got Reduced to a good extent! (Must Read: If you have painful periods) 

Today, let us talk about periods! Except for a few lucky girls, periods will bring in a lot of worries and troubles. I am included in the latter and very frankly speaking I never thought I would be able to write such a post in my lifetime. I am not yet fully recovered from all the troubles, but my pains and worries have been cut down by some 70% by now.

In this post, I will be discussing a few wonderful medicines which have helped me a lot with my menstrual cramps and I hope the many girls out there will be finding this post helpful.

how to get rid of painful periods cure menstrual cramps

Menstrual Cramps - A Nightmare

I remember that the first time I had my periods; it was just like any other day. I felt no pain and no sort of uneasiness. It was the same feeling for 3-4 years. But then, something worst started happening. I was bleeding heavily in the first 2 days and was left with severe lower abdominal and back pain. I have lost the counts of my visits to doctors for diagnosing my issues. But none of them worked (didn’t even helped). I will be on leave from my school/college for a minimum of 2-3 days per month due to the time of PMS-ing and periods.

 I can’t help it because I will be in bed, dying with all sort of pain, paying frequent visits to toilet, down with the vomiting tendency, I  had feelings of going bald (so that I will never to tie my silky smooth hair for the nth time!) wondering why I was never born as a boy.

Yes, I am in the bed and I will be standing (though bent half way) and walking only when I have to go and use the bathroom. My Room is my whole world for the time! I can’t even express how difficult it is for me to stand and brush my teeth.

On the first day, I could brush my teeth only in the evening. And only after that, I will be having a dense fruit juice – mostly banana juice. And I am DONE for the day! Periods were a nightmare since then!

Of recently, I talked with few girls who had similar problems with mine and that were when I realized I am not alone.

How to Cure Menstrual Cramps?

Himalaya Evecare Syrup Review Periods Pain Reducer

Himalaya Evecare was suggested to me by both an allopathic doctor before and then my ayurvedic doctor recommended it too. I remember my allopathic doctor prescribed only 1 bottle of this thing along with the whole set & mix of other tablets.

But the latter has prescribed me four bottles of this one. I feel that the ayurvedic doctor has done the right thing. With this product, it might take some time – so if you can’t see the results after using it for a month (and then you get the first periods) please try it for one more time.

It is necessary because it will take some time for the ayurvedic products to act on the body and it is far better than popping those Meftal spas/painkillers.

Himalaya Evecare Syrup  Periods Pain Reducer Indian Medicine

Please consult your physician before you try this tonic. We cannot guarantee that if product suits and works for a person, it will have the same effect on others too. So it’s important to check with your doctor and get the advice before you start any new medicines. NEVER be tempted to use a thing you found on the internet, without having an expert’s advice.

Himalaya Evecare Syrup Review Periods Pain Reducer Indian Medicine

How Himalaya Evecare has cured my cramps:-

As I mentioned, my recent visit to an ayurvedic doctor gave me a lot of confidence (and happiness) that these products should actually work and I will be finally out of pains and worries thus living a happy and peaceful life. But what has happened was the exact reverse of my apprehensions and thoughts. My first periods after being regular with his set of medicines were one of the worst. Usually, my periods woo comes to an on the third day of it.

But this time, the effects were continued on the third day too. I just can’t stand on my two legs or either even sit properly! On this day, I asked my mom to feed me food (which was an unusual thingJ) and that left my mom too in a worry.

Not to mention, I quitted that kashayam ( a bitter medicine to treat various ailments) and tablets immediately. Remember I bought the kashayams, tablets, and Tailam(which has to be applied over the body or at least the area between your stomach and knees) for 2 whole months- as it was not available in my place! The doctor was many kilometers far away from my place. 

Since then I continued with the Tailam and the Himalaya Evecare tonic. But in the consecutive next two months, I had less pain and I could eat something and I had less (during the first month) or no (during the last or the second month) worries about the vomiting tendency and bathroom calls. I truly believe that this medicine is the one that has done the wonder.

I never skip this one. It has a sweet taste. So there are no reasons to say a no to this. I am still taking this medicine for I believe this is going to make my periods just like the way it should be! 

A Tailam (massaging oil) was suggested to me to be used every day and the doctor has asked me to leave it for some 30 minutes. Honestly, I use it only when my mind feels like doing so. It is called Lakshadi Tailam. The doctor asked me that the Tailam is best applied. I am not that kind of regular with it, and I use it only once in a while.

But I am having feelings to use it regularly as I read somewhere that it is good for health, solve your menstrual problems and helps to have a good figure too. Moreover, it can moisturize the skin just like any other Tailams.

My Last Word: Please try the Himalaya Evecare Syrup, if you are suffering from menstrual related problems after consulting with your doctor. It can help you stop popping out the painkillers forever! May a time comes where a girl has to do not suffer from cramps!

Update: Of late, I have been irregular with its intake ( I am on my fourth bottle now) and my cramps were back. So, one needs to be really consistent with its usage.

I am currently doing these yoga poses for my cramps and it helps me so much. Read more about it here.

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