
Sweet Banana Omlette Recipe For Easy Weight Gain

Weight Gain Special Omelette With Bananas

Needless to say, bananas and eggs help really well for those who opt for a weight gain. Here is a recipe which uses both plus loads of nuts. It might sound simple, but the process is a bit long for an omelette. But it tastes awesome. 

This recipe is adapted from a popular Malabar dish where they use more eggs and more bananas. 

gain weight homemade recipe banana fast results                  

Large Banana- 1
Cashews- 4 tbsps chopped
Sugar- as required
Cardamom Powder- 1/4 pinch
Ghee- 3 tbsps

Method of preparation:

  1. Chop the banana into slightly small pieces.
  2. Keep a pan on flame, add ghee and fry the cashews. Keep it aside on a plate and allow it to cool down completely.
  3. Add some more ghee and fry the chopped banana pieces until they are browned nicely. If your banana is even riper; toast it until the color becomes a dull yellow. Move it to a plate and wait until it's cooled down completely. 
  4. Break the eggs in a bowl, add the sugar and the cardamom powder. Beat it really well, add the roasted cashews and bananas. Beat it again. 
  5. Keep the pan on low flame, put some ghee and add this mixture to it. Cover it with a lid. Let it brown on the side and then flip it. That's it.

For my omelet which I have made from 4 eggs and 3 plantains. It took around 15-20 minutes for me to get it done. You can make it like this and eat it throughout the day. The excess (if any) can be safely stored in the fridge for the next day. 

Do try it guys!

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