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Top 5 Dairy Products a Weight Gainer Should Definitely Try!

My Favorite 5 Dairy Products for Weight Gain! ( Sorry, no ice creams in the list)

Hey everyone,
When you're determined to gain weight, it is obvious that you are into some sort of a dilemma on deciding what sort of food you should have in your diet. Yeah, I am talking about 'healthy weight gain' and not the accumulation of fats. 

top five diary products for weight gain

Here are some must have dairy products you should keep in stock if you're opting for weight gain. Dairy products can be really helpful to lend you enough protein for the day. However, make sure you stay in the limit with the use of these products ( after considering workout plans).

 Top 5 milk products for fast weight gain

1. Butter:- 

 Top 5 milk products for fast weight gain 2Butter is healthy in moderation because it has lots of healthy saturated fats in it. Add butter to your meals by replacing oil in your recipes with it or use it to top your bread or roti's to have an additional gain. It is yummy and smells heavenly. 

I usually do not use more than 2 tablespoons a day unless I am baking a brownie, cake or cookie sort of things.

2. Ghee/ clarified butter:-

 Top 5 milk products for fast weight gain gheeGhee is a staple ingredient in most of the Indian households. You should've it too if you are opting for weight gain. I have personally tried and saw the results myself after having enough ghee in my diet. I restrict the use of ghee to three teaspoons per day. It is said that people with high cholesterol levels should not consume ghee more than 10 percent of their total calorie intake.

 Like any clarified butter, ghee is composed almost entirely of fat, 62% of which consists of saturated fats; the nutrition facts label found on bottled cow's ghee produced in the United States indicates 8 mg of cholesterol per teaspoon.Source

3. Paneer:-

Paneer is a cheese common in South Asia made by curdling milk with lemon juice/vinegar/curd. This can be easily made at home as well. (You can check out various recipes across blogs and videos on youtube for reference). 

Make curries, tikkas, fried rice, use it for your sandwich etc. The options are many and you can experiment what acts the best for your taste buds!Paneer contains 20 grams of fat per 100 grams. I usually have around 100 grams of it in my serving meal. 

4. Cheese:- 
There are plenty of cheese varieties available and you can use it in your diet to gain some extra pounds.! Make sure not to OVERLOAD yourself, though! I usually do not have more than 100 - 120 grams of it a day.

5. Curd/ Yogurt:- 

If you are an Indian, you will probably have it as a part of your regular meals already. You can also try flavored yogurt, or prepare shrikhand, lassi, buttermilk etc at home to bring a change in your diet. Even a cup of low-fat plain yogurt has 13 g of protein content. I usually have it mostly as a substitute (by preparing a quick lassi) for my daily juice glass.


All of the above dairy products have really helped me with my weight gain journey and that is the sole reason why I am preparing this post. So please don't hesitate to use them on moderate levels in your food. 

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