In My Weight Gain Journey Weight Gain Diet Weight Gain Routine

My Weight Gain Regime + Reliable Tips Suggested by my Dietician!

Finally, I made up my mind to meet a dietician! Meeting a dietician has been a pending task for a longggggg time. I have always wanted to take an appointment, but somehow I missed it from time to time due to various reasons. It would not be a lie if I say I felt I could save the money for the appointment to buy myself some butter, cheese, and cream :P Plus, I was suspicious regarding the meet up with the doctor because a few doctors are stupid enough to comment " just eat everything and drink BOOST daily!" Ufff... I can't handle these dialogues anymore. So finally, yesterday I decided to face whatever that's gonna come up.

I literally convinced myself that it won't be an abashing experience since a dietician won't be so rude to someone like me. AND yes, I was right!

I decided to talk about these matters in particular like my current
eating habits, anemic history, and all time fatigueness.

First of all, she asked me my age and checked my height and weight. My height is 164 cm and weighs 48 kgs! ( HMM, lost a kilogram :( ) After having checked that she said I am not an 'underweight' though it seems like I AM one! 😀 She said that my ideal weight will be between 55 kgs to 60 kgs!  So my first ]goal is to get to 50 Kilograms and then to 55 kilograms.

Here are my dietician's suggestions and advice :-

- Before the 3 regular meals, she asked me to have a light food like a fruit, juice etc.

- She asked me to do not rely on junk food and fried varieties. That was one that I didn't want to do either. Plus she said not to eat too much of beef and mutton ( as they are high in cholesterol)

- To have milk 2 times a day.

- Being a Muslim, and obviously a non-veg, she suggested me to have a non-veg dish (preferably Fish or Chicken) accompanied with my lunch or dinner.

- She also asked me to have nuts and dates throughout the day.

- There were no medicines or protein powders or other nutritional supplements prescribed for me as she didn't felt there is a need to!

- She asked me to have 3 or 4 of those Indian breakfast dishes say roti, dosa, idlis etc. That seems to make sense for me as well :)

- To have an egg daily. Yeah, just 'one' egg. My doctor suggested me to do not exceed it on a regular basis!

- She also asked me to remain stress/tension free. Since it can take off the appetite and leave me with no cravings!

- She also asked me to include leafy vegetables in my diet.

- One thing she insisted was that to have my breakfast before 8.30. She said the ideal time to have it between 8 to 8.30 am.

- She asked me to have my dinner before 10.00 pm.

- The ideal time for lunch is before 1.30 pm.

- She asked me to have 'nendran plantains' which seems to be a plantain variety available only in the South Indian regions and obviously not available for north Indians. I am not so fond of 'those kinds of' bananas but it seems like it has more nutritional benefits than all the other variants.

- She asked me to have chickpeas or other bean varieties, sprouts etc instead of having fried snacks with my tea.

I am soon going to make a comprehensive diet plan with her tips.

Fingers crossed for the results now.

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