In Appetite weight gain Weight Gain Routine

100% Healthy, Natural Syrup for Increasing Appetite - Fast Results Guaranteed!

Make this Appetite Boosting Syrup at Home to Get Guaranteed Results from the First Use!

Today I am sharing with you one of the easy remedies that you can try for boosting your appetite. I have already shared a product review here and a set of other alternatives from where you can choose the best home remedies for you. If you haven't checked that post out, here is the direct link.


I tried this remedy today and I was actually not hoping for such fast results. I started it in the belief that I will have to continue with it consistently for a few days. But it showed me the results the same day. Hence, I am sharing it with you right away. 

Ingredients required for this Natural Appetite Booster Syrup:

  • Fennel Seeds- 2 Tsp
  • Whole Black Pepper- 2 Tsp
  • Chopped Ginger- 2 Tsp
  • Water- 5 to 6 Tbsps or as required
  • Salt - to taste

Preparation of this Appetite Booster:

You can either make this in a grinder or a blender or use a mortar and pestle. I used the latter option. Add the chopped ginger and pound it nicely. Add pepper and fennel seeds now and give it a good crush. To this add sufficient water slowly and mix it really well. 

Sieve and move it to a glass. Add a pinch of salt to taste. Stir it and consume immediately.

How it Works:- 
Okay, let me tell you this in advance. The moment you drink it, it will almost give a burning sensation to your tongue and food pipe - so get ready with plenty of water in the reach of your hand.

In Ayurveda, appetite is referred as 'Agni' which means fire. So, basically, this syrup helps you to get back that fire in your stomach that helps you going :) 

It is better consumed on an empty stomach. 

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  1. Hi,
    Will it leave any side effects???

  2. As the ingredients are natural, chances for side effects are much less. Honestly, I didnt get any.


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