In Home Remedies

Amla/Gooseberry Squash Drink Recipe for the Anemic:-

Here I am with the recipe of a drink which can really be helpful to someone who has a low tolerance to the taste of water, especially in the mornings! There is nothing that can replace the power of plain pure water, and I can't disagree as well. This post is not regarding any of that matter. So don't worry and keep reading, I am nowhere in an argument with you :)

As you might know already, I am anemic and thus I keep losing the vibes of life every now and then. According to me, it is one of the silliest ( and common) illness that we usually consider it to be, but is potential to badly affect your day especially if you are women! Amla or gooseberries are one of the super fruits and are often used in plenty of ayurvedic medicines. 

Recently, I felt week and fatigue that I felt too bad about my health conditions and decided to check my hemoglobin levels. I was too reluctant to use my scooter ever since I started feeling unhealthy. The results were pretty expected. Low HB with a point of 10.8 mg. That was little close to 11 - I sighed! But then I realized a thing. 

Before I plan a weight gain journey I have to get back my HB levels to normal. Thus I am putting a pause to my weight gain journey for this month. February is going to be a healthy month for sure.

Well, I was about to talk about my tonic/homemade squash for boosting immunity and to be healthy. Here is the recipe.


  1. Amla/Indian Gooseberry- 1/2 kg
  2. Turmeric- a generous pinch (optional, but recommended)
  3. Lemon juice- 2 no’s
  4. Ginger- an inch
  5. Water- as required to blend + additional 3  cups
  6. Whole black pepper- 5-6no.s
  7. Sugar-2 or 2 1/2 cups 

  • Wash, drain and deseed the gooseberries.
  • I used my heavy black stone pestle to pressurize each of them separately to reveal its seed.
  • Move its flesh to a blender. Add just enough water to blend it smoothly and sieve the juice to a heavy bottom saucepan. I blended them twice to ensure that there's no juice left in the residue.
  • Add the sugar, pepper, turmeric, grated ginger and let it boil for a few minutes on high flame.
  • Cover with a lid and allow boiling and reducing over a medium-low flame for 15-20 minutes. By this time, it should have a got the texture of a syrup. If not, leave it to boil for a few more minutes again. Lastly, add the lemon juice and leave it to cool at the room temperature.
  • Move this syrup to a moisture free bottle and store this in the fridge to use it as required.
To make your own instant, preservative free gooseberry drink,Simply add 2-3 tablespoons of the bottled syrup into a tall glass and add water to fill the rest of the glass. ( You can use the syrup as little- as more as your taste buds willingness :))

Here are a few reasons if you are wondering- why Amla/ Indian Gooseberry in a drink? (Yes, there are plenty other benefits)

It is a natural immunity builder, blood purifier, helps to treat many diseases, can improve your appetite and much more including raising your hemoglobin levels.

I got a kilogram of gooseberries from my local market the next day and prepared a squash and kept it ready in the refrigerator. I have at least a glass of it daily and can already sense the difference. Do try it and let me know your results in the comments :)

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