
Does Drinking Water Help In Gaining Weight Overnight? - My Experience!

Gain Weight, by Simply - Drinking Water!

I know I am turning up so late for a new post. No excuses but I have to admit that I am compelled to procrastinate now (blame my new place- I have a really bad internet connection right now!)

easy weight gain fast water

I have heard it from a few friends and relatives who are overweight that they gain weight even though they drink only water for days! That actually made me wonder in the past that how can it even happen! 

After I started with my water challenge, my sister suffered from kidney stones and the doctor suggested her to drink more water. After a week of doing so, when we met-she said me that it's not a joke that overweight guys say they gain weight though they drink just water. When I heard it, I was like " I can't agree more, my dear!"

I am currently trying my level best to follow my dietician's guidelines and gain a healthy weight! Wish me luck!

We have read it a couple of times before, to drink lots of water daily. But I am sure not many of us practice it in our life. 

So one fine day to be precise on Oct 1, I decided to make it a part of my life. 

Since then I have been taking 1.4 Litres of water daily from this bottle ( excluding tea and other glasses of water which I drink during my meal) and let me say the results are astonishing. So yes, it does help in gaining weight. 

The time before this challenge, I am such a lazy one to give enough attention to my body's natural quench for water. I used to drink water only if I am thirsty or I am having my meals.

How my Weight Gain Program with Water went:- 

The first day was the toughest. That feeling of having lots of water is such a bad one. I was compelling myself to drink water and finish up the bottle. Next day was also similar. From the next day onwards my body got used to it. I could drink up the bottle without a bad feeling plus I could automatically finish up my bottle.

As it has to be, one has to visit the loom every now and then. Which basically detox our body. 

For the time being, I am here for announcing the results of my self-challenge which was " Drink 2 liters for a week"!

What to expect with drinking Sufficient amount of Water daily:

These were the results I experienced myself: 
  1. You gain weight!
  2. Your body feels better!
  3. Your skin is hydrated! 
I gained almost 1.5 kilograms in a week drinking 1.4 Litres of water in excess of the normal beverages (tea, juices).

After almost a week of training myself with sufficient amount of water intake, my body automatically craved for more water whenever I drank less of it (read - became a bit lazy to get it down). 

Update: I am currently in my laws house and I am finding it really difficult to digest the taste of the water here. But mostly, things will turn better soon! 

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