
Protinex Nutritional Drink Original - First Impressions!

Protinex Nutritional Drink Original - First Look

I thought I will give a quick update on Protinex powder supplement. It is one of the most popular ones available in the Indian market. Plus as it is affordable, I thought it is definitely worth a try. 
I bought it yesterday after researching for a while on the internet. 

Protinex Powder original review details weight gain works month protin irich nutritional powder
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Though it is popular around, I had quite a difficult time in finding this one. I had to search in over five pharmacies (near my area) to finally get one.  

The packaging was something that is worth a mention I feel. A normal tin packaging along with an additional plastic lid on top. It came with a seal under the tin lid. Once I tore it off, I saw that 1/4th of the tin was empty. See the below image. I took it right after opening it for the first time!

The powder resembled 'Boost' and I was sure that it is going to make my drink taste amazing.

Protinex Powder original review details weight gain works month

As I have already mentioned I have done a decent research on the product. One thing that was mentioned was the sugar content in it. The reason why I believed the powder is going to taste sweet. But NO!!! It tasted bad as it was actually bitter. I mixed it with milk ( I added 3 heaped tablespoons) without any sugar and consumed it. 

5 seconds after emptying the milk glass, that bad taste in the throat started bothering me.  Ran to my bathroom and err..soon vomited a part of it. 

It obviously made a bad impression.

But I tried it with sugar today and it still tasted bitter!. I am sure it will be pretty difficult to finish the tin, but I will try my best to give a detailed review once it's done.

Have you tried Protinex before? How was your experience with it? Do share your comments with us :)

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