In Appetite Product Reviews

Nellikkarishtam: The Only Remedy You'll Need to Increase Your Appetite!

One of those issues that I have been facing since a long time is the lack of appetite. When you are planning to gain weight and there are no natural appetite calls I receive from my body. I had more appetite in January but since then it was difficult for me because of this issue. I have been searching for natural remedies online as I do not want to take allopathic medicines. There was plenty of remedies that I could find online but I didn't feel that it would work for me. I also did a small research regarding ways to increase appetite offline and that was how I found this remedy. This is a keeper recipe or remedy. The main highlight is that I got an instant result! Can you imagine that?

nellikkarishtam - amla tonic to increase appetite naturally fast instant resutls

How to increase your appetite naturally?

Nellikkarishtam is a syrup or a tonic made with natural ingredients prepared as per ayurvedic books. It is made with Amlas or Indian gooseberries, jaggery, and other spices. You can either make it at home or buy it from the market. They are very much beneficial for treating anemia, lack of appetite, plus it boosts our immunity levels as well. Not to mention it gives benefits to your hair and skin as well! It can be used by adults as well as children. However, the dosage is different.

Dosage: - Use 30 ml two times a day after food.

nellikkarishtam - amla tonic to increase appetite naturally instant resutls

Price:- ₹ 110 in Kerala ( Rs. 130 - outside Kerala) for 450ml. It can serve you for 15 days.

As I said I can already feel the difference! It has lightened the fire in my stomach after a long while from the very first use itself. The taste is nothing bad to give this a miss. I had no issues with the taste of this product. As the main ingredient is amla, there is no doubt that it will cure anemia and boost the immunity.

nellikkarishtam - amla tonic to increase appetite fast instant resutls

If you don't find the product from the market, then you can even make it at home. All you have to do is take a clean earthen pot, wash and sun dry it.  Take a kilogram of Indian gooseberries, wash and dry them with a towel). Powder an equal amount of Jaggery and keep it aside. Powder a teaspoon of cardamom and a 2-inch piece (or as per your taste) of cinnamon and keep it aside. You can also use raisins which have to be washed and dried with a dry towel. Make sure that there is no drop of water going in. Or else all the efforts plus the money will go waste.

Now take the earthen pot, layer some Amlas on top of which you layer some of the jaggery powder, spices, raisins and repeat the same process. The final layer should be jaggery and not Amla.

Now take a cloth and wrap it around the neck of the pot tightly. Close it and keep it untouched for the next 41 days. When you open it afterward, you can see that there is this brownish black colored liquid that has come out. This juice is called the nellikkarishtam! Sieve the mixture with a muslin towel and please make sure not to use your hands to squeeze the juice out! It will effect the expiry of the final output. Tie it over the neck of the container and allow it to squeeze on its own.

nellikkarishtam - amla to increase appetite naturally fast instant resutls

This product won't disappoint you if you have to increase your appetite! But make sure you use it from a good or popular brand to ensure that there is nothing bad or artificial in the product. If you can't find the product nearby your location or online, then do let me know and we will see if I can make any arrangements :)

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