In Sleep Routine

Few Things Which Can Instantly Boost Your Mood Before Sleep

We all have read it over hundred times that we must sleep at least 8 hours regularly as a part of our beauty routine. Personally, it is that only tip that I am very keen in following. I may skip the water levels, sun screen, and all others. The first thing I usually do after waking up in the morning is to count my sleep hours. If it doesn’t reach 8, I compensate it later in the day. I can hardly reach my bed on time for a fixed sleep. Either I am sure I won’t sleep even if I hit the bed early or it may be because of my fiancée who calls me at a short notice, my mobile, etc... This is an article for such people who are struggling to sleep early.

few things to boost mood before sleep insomina tips

Before moving on to the article let me tell me you one thing. We all must be having this habit of checking our Whatsapp messages or Facebook prior to sleep, while on the bed. We might have set the time period of 2 minutes for it but then it takes hours and hours for a pause! The blue light emitting from your mobile screen gives you a sort of energy that makes you stay awake. As a result, the next day you feel all tired and you may not get enough energy. So keep your mobile phones away and try the below tips for a better sleep from today onwards.


-            Few things to induce sleep:-

  • Add few drops of eucalyptus oil to a bucket of lukewarm water and have a relaxing bath before you sleep. A bath in dim lights with light music will ease your body to go to bed.
  • Close your eyes and listen to your favorite light music before going to sleep.
  • Try to stretch your whole body, slowly. It is a very relaxing technique.
  • Use a hand roller or a tennis ball to massage the painful areas of your body.

 Getting emotional before sleep? Try these tips..

-  Go to your balcony and try to enjoy the beauty of nature, Have a look at the dark sky and lie on a chair cherishing some beautiful memories.
-  Try to bring back the memory of a bad thing or an incident which happened for the day. Write or draw or scribble something related to that on a piece of paper. Fold and crush the paper and throw it in the dustbin. Think that your mind has deleted the whole scene.
-  Try to buy fresh flowers or pluck some from your own garden and arrange them beautifully in a      vase.
-  Go to bed with children and tell them your childhood memories or some fairy tales. Play games like ‘passing the secret’ which can be played while on bed.
-  Write those things which you would like to see in the future on a piece of paper.
-   If you are angry with someone, write everything you want to say that person in a paper. You will feel instantly better. Tear off the paper later.
- Find out five friends whom you have never contacted for the past five years. Draft a hello card for each of them and don’t forget to post or send email the next day.
-Imagine of someone whom you come across daily but is a complete stranger to you. Spent some time imagining how his/her life is, where their home is etc.
-  Cherish the memories by going through the old photo albums. Imagine of the situation the photo must have taken, isn’t every picture has got a story behind?

Few activities worth trying before sleep by which may yield results tomorrow.

-  Before sleeping, lie on a chair and read the newspaper again. You can notice much news which you have failed to pay attention while skimming it in the morning.
-   Try to draw a picture in a book. The picture may be of yourself or natural scenery. You need not to be a professional artist to do it. Simply draw your mind and try to enjoy the pictures yourself after drawing it.
-    You can even try buying coloring books and coloring them with your favorite color variety. I think watercolors will be the best for our age group.
-    If you have a bad handwriting, buy copywriting books and bring back the good old school memories while practicing it.
-    Play some music and do dance steps lightly with the music.
-  Arrange that wardrobe which you have been planning to clean for some days.
- Write down the blessings and the good things that happened to you in a piece of paper.
-   Fold and arrange that mountain of clothes that came after laundry: P You will have a certain peace of mind after doing that job.
-   Try to learn a new thing. What about a new language?
-   Learn crochet, embroidery or a creative art if you are interested.
-  You will feel a lot better when you have prepared things for the next day. Your handbag, clothes, menu etc can be prepared well in advance to avoid stress in the morning.

Is there a special trick which has always worked for you? Do share it in the comments J hope you enjoyed reading the article. Do try and let me know how it worked for you. So, keep your mobile phones away from you prior to at least 1 hour before you sleep.

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  1. Very informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things.

  2. I badly needed a post like this, Sana! I've messed up my sleeping pattern big time. Thanks a lot!

    1. Thanks a lot for the comment, Lancy. I am glad that it was useful for you:)

  3. Hey keep posting such good and meaningful articles.

  4. useful information....thanks for sharing


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